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I grew up eating at the health food store in midland tx, so I’m constantly coming back for new finds and new versions of recipes. Every time you go back to the store you’ll find a new item you can’t wait to try. There are quite a few of them in store, so youll...
I recently started to practice mindfulness, and today I want to share a quote from a TED Talk that I recently watched that I think might be helpful in helping you make better choices and better decisions. I'm also a psychologist, so I thought the quote would be useful to people who are stuck...
I’m back with the first choice auto finance toledo ohio, a car loan that I’ve never had a chance to test. I’m glad I made the decision to choose this one, even though I could have chosen something else. I’ve been very skeptical about auto loans, as I usually end up paying a lot of interest.
Your life is a business, in one way or another. That’s a given. You also have an obligation to share the stories behind your own personal business stories. This is where the business club comes in. Youtubers have to join a business club because, if you don’t, your website will not find out about it.
holt’s online science and technology life science textbook is a comprehensive guide to helping you understand the complex world of biological science, as well as the latest scientific discoveries in the study of the human body. The book covers the basics of the human body, as well as some of the latest discoveries in...
I love the idea of ecu technology and the way it can help to save the planet and the environment. It also can help to save our cities as well. I can’t see how a person like myself, who’s environmentally conscious, would be able to continue to live in a city that is filled with cars and...
My favorite part about attending a conference is meeting so many interesting people, especially scientists who are curious about all of the topics we discuss. I also love the fact that my peers are so friendly, humble, and intelligent. The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology is a joint research facility created by the...
It’s all about personalization. At the end of the day, you’re going to get what you pay for and if you don’t do your homework, you’re not going to get the best experience. We've got a lot of new gadgets out there, but that doesnt mean we've got all the knowledge about them. We...
For many people, the word "deck" conjures up an image of a card game. But what is it? A deck can have any number of cards named, from just one to hundreds. The name comes from the card storage device that was used in older times: a box or drawer made out of wood called a "casket." Once you know...
We have all been there before; we are cooking and suddenly, our cutting board is scratched or chipped. There are a few things that you can do to try to fix the damage. For example, sandpaper may work on light scratches but will not be able to remove deep gouges. You can also try to sand the board, but...